
Is your professional life far from your personal life? WHY??!

There are instances where people have to choose whether to live by their principles or by their career. But why do that when you can align your behavior to what is asked by your profession?

When you work in an INGO, it's a no-brainer that you are committed to "walk the talk".  Not that it's hard, but it's somehow different in your other side - which is the personal life. But it is very doable. And it's not something forced on you, specially when you love your job.

Say, you work in a high-ranking position in a private company - that also translates to you acting or being the professional one in and out of your office, and even in your social media. Respect begets respect. It's that simple, right? But yet so complicated to some. 

If you wanted to keep your aura of being the cool or the feisty one whilst working as a big time boss, chances are you might not be getting the respect you should be having from colleagues.

On a micro level, we can just look at it as being a parent - to set example, you have to embody the person that you want for your kid. Or if you want your kids to respect you, you just don't do shit, right?

Simple as that.

And yet, it does not work with a lot.
Why? Because people like having a different life away from their personal life. 
Why? Because most probably - they just work for money, not for the passion of it.


I am not asking everyone to set an example, or control your real self just to please others.

But, I was just really wondering.. is it that hard to be nice, and stay nice?  Is it that hard to live your live that aligns to what your career requires you to be? 

Maybe it's cool that way for some, I just find it disturbing because I feel like they are living a double life :-P


Bottomline is, look for a job that satisfies -from your skin til your soul.

famous last words:

"Live your life responsibly." (-PVD)

what else is there to be? ;)

Ladies [at one point in their lives] fall for the 'bad boy'

Is this like, more than five years ago? How time flies..

Ardel (the author of this blogpost) and I used to have late night conversations on how to 'get' this guy. In the end, I did nothing and just.. let him pass me by.

During this time, I was this strong-willed woman trying to keep to myself the  feelings I had for this guy in the office. Only close friends knew about it. He was not a good influence on my liver,  he was known to being the bad boy in the office, but he was a good man. Always there when I needed him.  He was the only guy whom I connected with in so many levels, and appreciates my writing and wished I had time to be a songwriter. Hahaha..
Such good memories. =)

either get pissed or get entertained =D

Who is this guy at the right and why is he in ASAP, let alone in Philipppine live TV?!

Bullet Dumas is one of the very few artists who can sing, play great guitar and compose songs. He was invited to guest in an afternoon Sunday variety show to play, but his time to shine was shared on lens by these kids, only to show their "appreciation" to his music. 

Do you have a few minutes to be pissed at this kid? Then see the video here.



"If you fear you're 'too much' because you're passionate, energetic, generous, and gregarious, then start figuring out why you're in a place where the world has 'too little' for you."


love {X}

Can I love a man that also wanted to be a woman? This question appeared in my mind when a famous model-host's husband came out as a transgender.  Apparently yes - for I was crazy addicted to a man who fancies both sexes. I did not mind - probably because I have loved him because of his music. He is still my escape, although I do not have his music in my library anymore (streaming rocks my socks). Everyone needs an escape, and happy to have found mine <3 <3 

Conquering the "Hele Challenge"**

One ticked off the bucket list.
I was not bored when I tried to watch his other film (Melancholia). This time, I was sleepy because I was not able to sleep long enough (what is long enough when it comes to sleep, anyway?)

Everyone has their piece of opinion and critique to the film. It had so many facets, yes - but what I liked about others' take on the film is that they mainly mention the things that mattered most with them. Like, if you are a sensitive person you would primarily answer "the film is sad". If you are a political person you would see it as a relevant movie.
And so on.  

This is entertaining. This is Lav Diaz.

***"The Hele Challenge" was a marketing strategy for Filipinos to watch the 8-hour full length film. Which worked well. =)

a few minutes of freedom

I finally get to have time to write.
Sunday mornings are mine for now.

I normally just write anything lousy until something nice for a topic comes out of me.
Then the fun starts.

Too bad they are all very raw for now and not meant to be published.
Maybe for the upcoming Sundays, I will have more time to sanitize them to be able to be published and enjoyed by readers (friends and haters alike).

But for now - I just want to say hey - I am back and I have time for myself, FINALLY!


why hiding girl - you really must have done something to me

Have you ever been blocked?
Horrible, isn't it?
You are now not able to see someone's posts.

But... they might not know I was not a Research Analyst for nothing ;)

Enjoy hiding.

famous last words: