(come on, pach, keep talking like you knew what you're talking about! harharhar)
* "For most women, the attraction to bad boys usually happens over a 2-3 day period when she is ovulating. her body craves a Russel Crowe bad-guy type because aggressive men have a greater survival rating than nice guys - and she wants his genes."
*"Sex is around ten times more effective as a tranquilizer than valium."
*"The more often you have sex, the more sex you will be offered. a sexually active body secretes large quantities of pheromones. these subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy."
*"Women cannot enjoy sex unless they are relaxed and free from worries and distractions."
*"What men really want? sex. basic services (food, washing, mothering, etc). to be loved, and solitary time."
*"Orgasms release endorphin, aka, the happy hormone, burns calories and improves blood circulation! now, who wouldn't want that?"
(sources: PDI, Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love
famous LUST words:
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