
that different kind of happy

It had always been easy for me to stay happy.  I walk, go to places, meet people, read, sing - i just breathe and enjoy life.  Happiness for me had always been accessible.  It's anywhere and everywhere.

Then came you.  The stranger with this weird kind of humour.  You came right when I was happy on my own.  And I hate that I miss you.  And since you haven't been around, I go out and do my thing and be this happy girl that I used to be.

But these past few days, something felt different.. missing.

I do my usual stuff at work and I think of you.  When I laugh at my officemate’s jokes, I think of how you culd come out with those sarcastic comments about the conversation.  I smile at them because I thought of you.

I go to places and look for things / people to feed my curiosity and to inspire me – and though I get my highs off of it, I still think of you.  It’s crazy, but it’s true.

There’s this certain kind of happiness that comes with talking to you.

(*I’m sorry for being this expressive but I’m doing it for myself.  I have to let this out.)

Whatever happens in the near future, just know that I am really happy to have met you.  Take care, boss.

PS – I wrote this before I leave for Boracay, the place where people get all crazy wild and all out.  Unfortunately  I can’t go all out.  Because in your mind I’m a good girl, and I have to keep it that way ;)

Famous last words:

Only you can give me that feeling.”

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