
the antidote to 7 deadly sins =D

you don't need power, money or fame.  you just have to be equipped with these - and everything else will follow.

Tolerance.  this means adjusting your pace to every person you encounter because every one is different so you have to treat them according to their character / needs.  everyone has quirks.  and it is tolerance that will kepp you from not getting angry all the time.

Passion.  if you have it, you do things happily, whole-heartedly.

Sensitivity.  being cautious to the environment.  being cautious to what you might say or do because it could impact or hurt others.

Humility.  you let others shine, when needed.  humility is hard to find these days, specially in this world full of egoistic, self-centerd kids.

Faith.  you can get anything you ask God for - you just got to have a huge amount of faith, and the effort in claiming it.

Selflessness.  this could go as much as giving your time to others, the ability to be patient and to listen genuinely.  it is great to make others feel special, important.

Love.  if you have love, you do everythinh out of love.  anything you say will all be words of love.  when you have love, you always want to be a better person, not just for someone but for everyone.

(**not claiming everything - some of the characteristics came from another blog, from a different topic.)

famous last words:
"I live for the thrils.  I live for the glamour.  These are the things that make me."  (Carlos Malvar)

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