
becoming X

Sometimes I wonder if God gives me trials as distraction to move away from what I have been working on; or an opportunity to risk, to throw away everything I’ve trained myself to and cross a different path that MIGHT make me a happier person.  I really don’t know.  All I know is I have been working my ass off on becoming _______ for years.  And it’s been a tough road.  A lot of tears, sacrifices and acceptance had been made to get to where I am now.  And now that I’m close to it, nothing could get in the way.  Just no more distractions / opportunities, please.

I had been giving out happiness and comfort for the longest time.
I think it’s about time to pursue mine.

famous last words:
“Father, if You are willing, please take this cup of
suffering away from me.  Yet I want Your will
Be done, not mine.”
(Luke 22:42)


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